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Thursday 23 June 2011

To Change the permissions On Unix

To Change the permissions On Unix
Unix permissions
Unix permission

666 : Default permission
002 : - umask value
664 : final permission


# chmod 777 *.log

u user
g group
o others

Owner Group others Permission
========= ========= ========= ======================
7 (u+rwx) 7 (g+rwx) 7 (o+rwx) read + write + execute
6 (u+wx) 6 (g+wx) 6 (o+wx) write + execute
5 (u+Rx) 5 (g+Rx) 5 (o+Rx) read + execute
4 (u+r) 4 (g+r) 4 (o+r) read only
2 (u+w) 2 (g+w) 2 (o+w) write only
1 (u+x) 1 (g+x) 1 (o+x) execute only

Character equivalents can be used in the chmod command .

#chmod o+rwx *.log
#chmod g+r *.log
#chmod -Rx *.log

chmod -R g+rw hft/

-R recursive

# chown -R oinstall.dba *

Owner Group The others Permission

7 7 7 read + write + execute
6 6 6 write + execute
5 5 5 read + execute
4 4 4 read only
2 2 2 write only
1 1 1 execute only

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