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Sunday 16 October 2011

Oracle SGA Info

set pagesize 999 lines 70 verify off heading off feedback off termout off
col start_up format a45 justify right
col sp_size format 999,999,999 justify right
col x_sp_used format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_used_shr format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_used_per format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_used_run format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_avail format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_sz_pins format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_no_pins format 999,999 justify right
col sp_no_obj format 999,999 justify right
col sp_no_stmts format 999,999 justify right
col sp_sz_kept_chks format 999,999,999 justify right
col sp_no_kept_chks format 999,999 justify right
col 1time_sum_pct format 999 justify right
col 1time_ttl_pct format 999 justify right
col ltime_ttl format 999,999,999 justify right
col 1time_sum format 999,999,999,999 justify right
col tot_lc format 999,999,999,999 justify right
col sp_free format 999,999,999,999 justify right
col val1 new_val x_sgasize noprint
col val2 new_val x_sp_size noprint
col val3 new_val x_lp_size noprint
col val4 new_val x_jp_size noprint
col val5 new_val x_bc_size noprint
col val6 new_val x_other_size noprint
col val7 new_val x_str_size noprint
col val8 new_val x_KGH noprint
select val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8
(select sum(bytes) val1 from v$sgastat) s1,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val2 from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool') s2,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val3 from v$sgastat where pool='large pool') s3,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val4 from v$sgastat where pool='java pool') s4,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val5 from v$sgastat where name='buffer_cache') s5,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val6 from v$sgastat where name in ('log_buffer','fixed_sga')) s6,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val7 from v$sgastat where pool='streams pool') s7,
(select nvl(sum(bytes),0) val8 from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool' and name='KGH: NO ACCESS') s8;
col val1 new_val x_sp_used noprint
col val2 new_val x_sp_used_shr noprint
col val3 new_val x_sp_used_per noprint
col val4 new_val x_sp_used_run noprint
col val5 new_val x_sp_no_stmts noprint
col val6 new_val x_sp_vers noprint
select sum(sharable_mem+persistent_mem+runtime_mem) val1,sum(sharable_mem) val2, sum(runtime_mem) val4, sum(persistent_mem) val3,count(*) val5, max(version_count) val6 from v$sqlarea;

col val1 new_val x_1time_sum noprint
col val2 new_val x_1time_ttl noprint
select sum(sharable_mem+persistent_mem+runtime_mem) val1, count(*) val2 from v$sqlarea
where executions=1;

col val1 new_val x_ra noprint
select round(nvl((used_space+free_space),0),2) val1 from v$shared_pool_reserved;

col val2 new_val x_sp_no_obj noprint
select count(*) val2 from v$db_object_cache;

col val2 new_val x_sp_no_kept_chks noprint
col val3 new_val x_sp_sz_kept_chks noprint
select decode(count(*),'',0,count(*)) val2, decode(sum(sharable_mem),'',0,sum(sharable_mem)) val3
from v$db_object_cache where kept='YES';

col val2 new_val x_sp_free_chks noprint
select sum(bytes) val2 from v$sgastat where name='free memory' and pool='shared pool';

col val2 new_val x_sp_no_pins noprint
select count(*) val2 from v$session a, v$sqltext b where a.sql_address||a.sql_hash_value = b.address||b.hash_value;

col val2 new_val x_sp_sz_pins noprint
select sum(sharable_mem+persistent_mem+runtime_mem) val2 from v$session a,v$sqltext b,v$sqlarea c
where a.sql_address||a.sql_hash_value = b.address||b.hash_value
and b.address||b.hash_value = c.address||c.hash_value;

col val3 new_val x_tot_lc noprint
select nvl(sum(lc_inuse_memory_size)+sum(lc_freeable_memory_size),0) val3 from v$library_cache_memory;

col val2 new_val x_sp_avail noprint
select &x_sp_size-(&x_tot_lc*1024*1024)-&x_sp_used val2 from dual;
col val2 new_val x_sp_other noprint
select &x_sp_size-(&x_tot_lc*1024*1024) val2 from dual;
col val1 new_val x_trend_4031 noprint
col val2 new_val x_trend_size noprint
col val3 new_val x_trend_rS noprint
col val4 new_val x_trend_rs_size noprint
select request_misses val1,decode(request_misses,0,0,last_Miss_Size) val2,request_failures val3,decode(request_failures,0,0,last_failure_size) val4 from v$shared_pool_reserved;
set termout on heading off
ttitle -
center 'SGA/Shared Pool Breakdown' skip 2
spool sga.out
select ' *** If database started recently, this data is not as useful ***',' ','Database Started: '||to_char(startup_time, 'Mon/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') start_up,'Instance Name/No: '||instance_name||'-'||instance_number,' ','Breakdown of SGA '||round((&x_sgasize/1024/1024),2)||'M ',
' Shared Pool Size : '||round((&x_sp_size/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_sp_size/&x_sgasize)*100,0)||'%) Reserved ' ||round((&x_ra/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_ra/&x_sp_size)*100,0)||'%)' sp_size,
' Large Pool : '||round((&x_lp_size/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_lp_size/&x_sgasize)*100,0)||'%)',
' Java Pool : '||round((&x_jp_size/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_jp_size/&x_sgasize)*100,0)||'%)',
' Buffer Cache : '||round((&x_bc_size/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_bc_size/&x_sgasize)*100,0)||'%)',
' Streams Pool : '||round((&x_str_size/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_str_size/&x_sgasize)*100,0)||'%)',
' Other Areas in SGA : '||round((&x_other_size/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_other_size/&x_sgasize)*100,0)||'%)',' ',' *** High level breakdown of memory ***',' ',
' sharable : '||round((&x_sp_used_shr/1024/1024),2)||'M' sp_used_shr,
' persistent : '||round((&x_sp_used_per/1024/1024),2)||'M' sp_used_per,
' runtime : '||round((&x_sp_used_run/1024/1024),2)||'M' sp_used_run,
' ','SQL Memory Usage (total) : '||round((&x_sp_used/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||round((&x_sp_used/&x_sp_size)*100,0)||'%)',' ',' *** No guidelines on SQL in Library Cache, but if ***',
' *** pinning a lot of code--may need larger Shared Pool ***',' ',
'# of SQL statements : '||&x_sp_no_stmts sp_no_stmts,'# of pinned SQL statements : '||&x_sp_no_pins sp_no_pins,'# of programmatic constructs : '||&x_sp_no_obj sp_no_obj,'# of pinned programmatic construct : '
||&x_sp_no_kept_chks sp_no_kept_chks,' ','Efficiency Analysis: ',' *** High versions (100s) could be bug ***',' ',' Max Child Cursors Found : '||&x_sp_vers,' Programmatic construct memory size (Kept) : '
||round((&x_sp_sz_kept_chks/1024/1024),2)||'M' sp_sz_kept_chks,' Pinned SQL statements memory size (active sessions) : '||round((&x_sp_sz_pins/1024/1024),2)||'M' sp_sz_pins,
' ',' *** LC at 50% or 60% of Shared Pool not uncommon ***',' ',' Estimated Total Library Cache Memory Usage : '||&x_tot_lc||'M ('||100*(round(((&x_tot_lc) / (&x_sp_size/1024/1024)),2))||'%)' perc_lc,
' Other Shared Pool Memory : '||round((&x_sp_other/1024/1024),2)||'M',' Shared Pool Free Memory Chunks : '||round(((&x_sp_free_chks) /1024/1024),2)||'M ('||100*(round((&x_sp_free_chks / &x_sp_size),2))||'%)' perc_free,
' ',' ****Ideal percentages for 1 time executions is 20% or lower**** ',
' ',' # of objects executed only 1 time : '||&x_1time_ttl||' ('||100*round(((&x_1time_ttl / &x_sp_no_stmts)),2)||'%)',' Memory for 1 time executions: : '||round((&x_1time_sum/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||
100*round(((&x_1time_sum / &x_sp_used)),2)||'%)',' ',' ***If these chunks are growing, SGA_TARGET may be too low***',' ',' Current KGH: NO ACCESS Allocations: '||round((&x_KGH/1024/1024),2)||'M ('||100*round((&x_KGH/&x_sp_size),2)||'%)',
' ',' ***0 misses is ideal, but if growing value points to memory issues***',
' ',' # Of Misses for memory : '|| &x_trend_rs,' Size of last miss : '|| &x_trend_rs_size,' # Of Misses for Reserved Area : '|| &x_trend_4031,' Size of last miss Reserved Area : '|| &x_trend_size
from v$instance;

spool off
ttitle off
set heading feedback on
clear col

SGA/Shared Pool Breakdown

*** If database started recently, this data is not as useful ***
Database Started: Jun/21/2016 13:49:53
Instance Name/No: arac1-1
Breakdown of SGA 16384.12M
Shared Pool Size : 2048M (12%) Reserved 202.73M (10%)
Large Pool : 288M (2%) Java Pool : 128M (1%)
Buffer Cache : 13376.24M (82%) Streams Pool : 0M (0%)
Other Areas in SGA : 32M (0%)
*** High level breakdown of memory *** sharable : 307.46M
persistent : 270.54M runtime : 255.69M
SQL Memory Usage (total) : 833.69M (41%)
*** No guidelines on SQL in Library Cache, but if ***
*** pinning a lot of code--may need larger Shared Pool ***
# of SQL statements : 3418 # of pinned SQL statements : 4
# of programmatic constructs : 24033
# of pinned programmatic construct : 4433 Efficiency Analysis:
*** High versions (100s) could be bug ***
Max Child Cursors Found : 18
Programmatic construct memory size (Kept) : 17.78M
Pinned SQL statements memory size (active sessions) : .45M
*** LC at 50% or 60% of Shared Pool not uncommon ***
Estimated Total Library Cache Memory Usage : 336M (16%)
Other Shared Pool Memory : 1712M
Shared Pool Free Memory Chunks : 440.09M (21%)
****Ideal percentages for 1 time executions is 20% or lower****
# of objects executed only 1 time : 2206 (65%)
Memory for 1 time executions: : 495.83M (59%)
***If these chunks are growing, SGA_TARGET may be too low***
Current KGH: NO ACCESS Allocations: 0M (0%)
***0 misses is ideal, but if growing value points to memory issues***
# Of Misses for memory : 0 Size of last miss : 0
# Of Misses for Reserved Area : 0
Size of last miss Reserved Area : 0

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