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Sunday 27 November 2011

Oracle Sort Report

Oracle sort report

Oracle temp space report



prompt Report Current Sort Activity.

set linesize 150
set verify off
set pagesize 50

prompt SQL work area (current)
col sid for 99990
col operation_type for a20
col wsize for 999,990 heading 'Current|W.Size(k)'
col esize for 999,990 heading 'Expected|W.Size(k)'
col amsize for 999,999,990 heading 'Current|Mem.(k)'
col mmsize for 999,999,990 heading 'Maximum|Mem.(k)'
col tsize for 999,999,990 heading 'Tmp. Seg.|Size (k)'
col passes for 999,990 heading 'Passes'
compute sum of wsize on report
compute sum of wsize on report
compute sum of esize on report
compute sum of amsize on report
compute sum of mmsize on report
compute sum of tsize on report
break on report
select SID
, WORK_AREA_SIZE/1024 as wsize
, EXPECTED_SIZE/1024 as esize
, ACTUAL_MEM_USED/1024 as amsize
, MAX_MEM_USED/1024 as mmsize
, TEMPSEG_SIZE/1024 as tsize
, NUMBER_PASSES as passes
from v$sql_workarea_active
order by sid

column max_space format a11 heading 'Tablespace|Name'
column max_tot_mb format 999,990 heading 'Max Total|Mbytes'
column max_used_mb format 999,990 heading 'Max Single|Use Mbytes'
column max_sort_mb format 999,990 heading 'Max Single|Sort Mbytes'
column max_file_mb format 999,990 heading 'Tablespace|Size (Mb)'
column ftype heading 'File|Type'
column extent_size format 99,999,999 heading 'Ext. Size|(Bytes)'

-- get the database blk size
column blk_size new_value _blk_size
set termout off
select to_number (value) as blk_size from v$parameter
where upper(name) = 'DB_BLOCK_SIZE';
set termout on

prompt sort segments:
select s.tablespace_Name as max_space
, ftype as ftype
, (s.extent_size*&_blk_size) as extent_size
, (file_bytes)/(1024*1024) as max_file_mb
, (s.max_blocks*&_blk_size)/(1024*1024) as max_tot_mb
, (s.max_used_blocks*&_blk_size)/(1024*1024) as max_used_mb
, (s.max_sort_blocks*&_blk_size)/(1024*1024) as max_sort_mb
from v$sort_segment s
,(select tablespace_name
, sum (bytes) as file_bytes
, 'Data' as ftype
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name
select tablespace_name
, sum (bytes) as file_bytes
, 'Temp' as ftype
from dba_temp_files
group by tablespace_name
) f
where f.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name
order by 1

compute sum of srt_mb on srt_space
compute sum of srt_ext on srt_space
break on srt_space skip page

column srt_space format a11 heading 'TSpace'
column srt_sid_serial format A15 heading 'Sid serial'
column srt_osuser format a25 heading 'OS User / Schema'
column srt_program format a20 heading 'Program'
column srt_event format a30 heading 'Wait Event'
column srt_mb format 999,990 heading 'Mbytes'
column srt_ext format 99,990 heading 'Extents'

prompt sort segment usage:
select u.tablespace as srt_space
, s.sid||','||serial# as srt_sid_serial
, s.osuser||'/'||s.schemaname as srt_osuser
, substr (s.program,1,20) as srt_program
, u.segtype
, u.extents as srt_ext
, (u.blocks*&_blk_size)/(1024*1024) as srt_mb
, w.event as srt_event
, s.sql_id
from v$sort_usage u, v$session s, v$session_wait w
where u.session_addr = s.saddr (+)
and s.sid = w.sid (+)
order by s.osuser, s.schemaname, s.program, s.sid, u.extents

clear breaks
clear computes






SQL> @dba_sort

Report Current Sort Activity.

SQL work area (current)

Current Expected Current Maximum Tmp. Seg.
SID OPERATION_TYPE W.Size(k) W.Size(k) Mem.(k) Mem.(k) Size (k) Passes
------ -------------------- --------- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------
--------- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------

no rows selected

sort segments:

Tablespace File Ext. Size Tablespace Max Total Max Single Max Single
Name Type (Bytes) Size (Mb) Mbytes Use Mbytes Sort Mbytes
----------- ---- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- -----------
TEMP Temp 1,048,576 326 325 11 2

1 row selected.

sort segment usage:

TSpace Sid serial OS User / Schema Program SEGTYPE Extents Mbytes Wait Event SQL_ID
----------- --------------- ------------------------- -------------------- --------- ------- -------- ------------------------------ -------------
TEMP 43,7069 oracle/SYS sqlplus@apt-amd-02 ( LOB_DATA 1 1 SQL*Net message from client
47,12494 oracle/SYS sqlplus@apt-amd-02 ( DATA 1 1 SQL*Net message from client
*********** ------- --------
sum 2 2

2 rows selected.


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