unix at
to set Unix AT job
bash-3.00$ at -t 201103111805 <<< this a time and date
at> cd /apps/documentum/dba/log/0000717c/sysadmin/dm_clean
at> nohup time iapi ccprod1 -Udmadmin -Pwhocares -RDMCleanDoc.txt >DMCleanDocAnuj.out&
at> .
commands will be executed using /usr/bin/bash
job 1299866700.a at Fri Mar 11 18:05:00 2011
ctrl D <<<<< for end of at command
this is a command "iapi cccprod1 -Udmadmin -Pwhocares -RDMCleanDoc.txt >DMCleanDocAnuj.out& "
to list Unix AT job in Unix
-bash-3.00$ at -l
1299866400.a Fri Mar 11 18:00:00 2011
1299866700.a Fri Mar 11 18:05:00 2011
to remove AT job
-bash-3.00$ at -r 1299866400.a