-- Check Memory Allocation Per User/Process Memory Allocation Per Process Memory Allocation Per User session wise memory session memory set linesize 150 SET PAGESIZE 9999 COLUMN sid_serial format a12 HEADING 'sid_serial#' COLUMN sid FORMAT 999 HEADING 'SID' COLUMN SERIAL# FORMAT 99999 HEADING 'SERIAL#' COLUMN oracle_username FORMAT a12 HEADING 'Oracle User' JUSTIFY left COLUMN os_username FORMAT a9 HEADING 'O/S User' JUSTIFY right COLUMN session_program FORMAT a18 HEADING 'Session Program' TRUNC COLUMN session_machine FORMAT a12 HEADING 'Machine' JUSTIFY right TRUNC COLUMN session_pga_memory FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'PGA Memory' COLUMN session_pga_memory_max FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'PGA Memory Max' COLUMN session_uga_memory FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'UGA Memory' COLUMN session_uga_memory_max FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'UGA Memory MAX' set linesize 150 SELECT -- s.sid s.sid||','||SERIAL# sid_serial , lpad(s.username,12) oracle_username , lpad(s.osuser,9) os_username , s.program session_program , lpad(s.machine,12) session_machine , (select round(sum(ss.value/1024/1024)) from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session pga memory') session_pga_memory , (select round(sum(ss.value/1024/1024)) from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session pga memory max') session_pga_memory_max , (select round(sum(ss.value/1024/1024)) from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session uga memory') session_uga_memory , (select round(sum(ss.value/1024/1024)) from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session uga memory max') session_uga_memory_max FROM v$session s ORDER BY session_pga_memory DESC / sid_serial# Oracle User O/S User Session Program Machine PGA Memory PGA Memory Max UGA Memory UGA Memory MAX ------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 21,2 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 28 28 0 0 23,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 28 28 0 0 19,5 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 11 11 0 0 22,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 11 11 0 0 11,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 11 11 0 0 10,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 7 32 0 0 15,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 3 4 1 2 17,10 SYS oracle rman@apt-amd-02 (T apt-amd-02 2 2 0 1 13,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 2 4 1 3 1,9 SYS oracle rman@apt-amd-02 (T apt-amd-02 2 24 1 3 56,622 SYS oracle sqlplus@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 2 2 0 0 62,47 SYS oracle sqlplus@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 2 14 1 6 32,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 34,3 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 5 1 2 40,15 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 60,443 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 30,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 1 1 27,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 16,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 14,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 1 12,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 9,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 8,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 7,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 6,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 5,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 4,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 3,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 2,1 oracle oracle@apt-amd-02 apt-amd-02 1 1 0 0 29 rows selected. SET LINESIZE 300 PAGESIZE 9999 COLUMN sid FORMAT 99999 HEADING 'SID' COLUMN oracle_username FORMAT a12 HEADING 'Oracle User' JUSTIFY right COLUMN os_username FORMAT a9 HEADING 'O/S User' JUSTIFY right COLUMN session_program FORMAT a35 HEADING 'Session Program' TRUNC COLUMN session_machine FORMAT a8 HEADING 'Machine' JUSTIFY right TRUNC COLUMN session_pga_memory FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'PGA Memory' COLUMN session_pga_memory_max FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'PGA Memory Max' COLUMN session_uga_memory FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'UGA Memory' COLUMN session_uga_memory_max FORMAT 9,999,999,999 HEADING 'UGA Memory MAX' SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(8) */ s.sid sid , s.sql_id , PREV_SQL_ID ,SQL_EXEC_ID , lpad(s.username,20) oracle_username , lpad(s.osuser,9) os_username , s.program session_program , lpad(s.machine,20) session_machine , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session pga memory') session_pga_memory , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session pga memory max') session_pga_memory_max , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session uga memory') session_uga_memory , (select ss.value from v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn where ss.sid = s.sid and sn.statistic# = ss.statistic# and sn.name = 'session uga memory max') session_uga_memory_max FROM v$session s ORDER BY session_pga_memory DESC /
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Thursday, 5 January 2012
Oracle Memory Allocation Per User / Process
Oracle Date How to Add Day , Hour, Minute, Second to a Date Value
Oracle Date How to Add Day , Hour, Minute, Second to a Date Value
Oracle Date How to Add Day , Hour, Minute, Second to a Date Value in Oracle
Oracle add Days
Oracle add Hour
Oracle add Minute
Oracle add second
-- # Add a day
select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "Todays-date" , to_char(sysdate +1,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') One_day from dual ;
Todays-date ONE_DAY
------------------- -------------------
05-01-2012 12:55:52 06-01-2012 12:55:52
-- # Add an hour
select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "Todays-date" , to_char(sysdate +1/24,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') One_hour from dual ;
Todays-date ONE_HOUR
------------------- -------------------
05-01-2012 12:56:06 05-01-2012 13:56:06
-- # Add an Minute
select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "Todays-date" , to_char(sysdate +1/(24*60),'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') One_minute from dual ;
Todays-date ONE_MINUTE
------------------- -------------------
05-01-2012 12:56:18 05-01-2012 12:57:18
-- # Add Second
select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "Todays-date" , to_char(sysdate +1/(24*60*60),'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') One_second from dual ;
Todays-date ONE_SECOND
------------------- -------------------
05-01-2012 12:56:27 05-01-2012 12:56:28
if we want to insert into the table then
to_date(sysdate +1/(24*60*60),'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
sysdate +1/(24*60*60)
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS'), to_char(sysdate+interval '15' minute,'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS') from dual;
------------------- -------------------
05-01-2012 04:36:39 05-01-2012 04:51:39
Oracle DBA
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