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Tuesday, 12 April 2022

How much CPU a session consuming at a given time in Oracle ?

How much CPU a session consuming at a given time in oracle....
Roger Cornejo

-- uncomment based on your requirement 
set linesize 2000
var order_by varchar2(10); 

-- begin :order_by := 'ELAP'; end;

 -- begin :order_by := 'IO'; end;

 --begin :order_by := 'CPU'; end;
 -- /

 --begin :order_by := 'GET'; end;
 -- /

 begin :order_by := 'READ'; end;

 --begin :order_by := 'EXEC'; end;
 -- /

 --begin :order_by := 'PARSE'; end;

  --begin :order_by := 'MEM'; end;

 --begin :order_by := 'VERS'; end;
 -- /
 --begin :order_by := 'ELAP_EXEC'; end;

 --begin :order_by := 'SNAP'; end;
 -- /

set numf 9999999999999999999
col "Tot Wait"  		for 99999999999999999   
col IOWAIT  			for 99999999999999999
col CLWAIT  			for 99999999999999999
col SCHEMA  			for a20
col sql_text 			for a70 wrap
col "Time Per Exec" 	for a10

select ord ord
,  case 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('ELAP' , '1') then 'elapsed_sec' 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('CPU'  , '2') then 'cpu_sec'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('IO'   , '3') then 'iowait'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('GET'  , '4') then 'buffer_gets'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('READ' , '5') then 'disk_reads'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('EXEC' , '6') then 'executions'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('PARSE', '7') then 'parse_calls'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('MEM'  , '8') then 'sharable_mem'
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('VERS' , '9') then 'version_count' 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('ELAP_EXEC' , '10') then 'time_per_exec' 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('SNAP' , '11') then 'snap_id' 
       else 'buffer_gets'
  end order_by
, schema  
, sql_id
, plan_hash_value "Plan Hash Value"
,      (select 
        xmltype(other_xml),'other_xml/info[@type="plan_hash_2"]'))) plan_hash_2
        from   dba_hist_sql_plan hp
        where  hp.sql_id          = main_query.sql_id
        and    hp.plan_hash_value = main_query.plan_hash_value
        and    hp.other_xml is not null) plan_hash_2
, (select max(last_refresh_time) from gv$sql_monitor sm where sm.sql_id = main_query.sql_id and sm.sql_plan_hash_value = main_query.plan_hash_value) monitor_last_refresh_time
, time_per_exec "Time Per Exec"
, executions "Exec-utions"
, clock_time "Clock Time"
, px_servers_execs "px servers execs"
, sql_text
, buffer_gets "Buffer Gets"
, fetches
, rows_processed "rows processed"
, round(rows_processed / nullif(fetches, 0)) "rows per fetch" 
, end_of_fetch_count "end of fetch count"
, sorts
, disk_reads "disk reads"
, tot_wait "Tot Wait"
, iowait
, clwait
, apwait
, ccwait
, direct_writes "direct writes"
, elapsed_sec "Elap-sed (Sec)"
, cpu_sec "CPU Sec"
, plsql_sec "PL/SQL sec"
, plsexec_time "pls exec time"
, javexec_time "java exec time"
, sharable_mem "shar-able mem"
-- per exec calculations
, case when executions > 0 then buffer_gets/executions else 0 end "Buffer Gets per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then fetches/executions else 0 end  "Fetches Gets per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then rows_processed/executions else 0 end  "rows per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then sorts/executions else 0 end  "sorts per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then disk_reads/executions else 0 end  "disk reads per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then tot_wait/executions else 0 end  "Tot Wait per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then iowait/executions else 0 end  "iowait per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then clwait/executions else 0 end  "clwait  per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then apwait/executions else 0 end  "apwait per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then ccwait/executions else 0 end  "ccwait  per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then direct_writes/executions else 0 end  "direct writes  per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then elapsed_sec/executions else 0 end  "Elap-sed (Sec)  per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then cpu_sec/executions else 0 end  "CPU Sec per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then plsql_sec/executions else 0 end  "PL/SQL sec  per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then plsexec_time/executions else 0 end  "pls exec time  per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then javexec_time/executions else 0 end  "java exec time per exec"
, case when executions > 0 then sharable_mem/executions else 0 end  "shar-able mem per exec"
-- per row calculations
, case when rows_processed > 0 then buffer_gets/rows_processed else 0 end "Buffer Gets per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then fetches/rows_processed else 0 end  "Fetches Gets per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then rows_processed/rows_processed else 0 end  "rows per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then sorts/rows_processed else 0 end  "sorts per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then disk_reads/rows_processed else 0 end  "disk reads per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then tot_wait/rows_processed else 0 end  "Tot Wait per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then iowait/rows_processed else 0 end  "iowait per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then clwait/rows_processed else 0 end  "clwait  per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then apwait/rows_processed else 0 end  "apwait per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then ccwait/rows_processed else 0 end  "ccwait  per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then direct_writes/rows_processed else 0 end  "direct writes  per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then elapsed_sec/rows_processed else 0 end  "Elap-sed (Sec)  per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then cpu_sec/rows_processed else 0 end  "CPU Sec per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then plsql_sec/rows_processed else 0 end  "PL/SQL sec  per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then plsexec_time/rows_processed else 0 end  "pls exec time  per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then javexec_time/rows_processed else 0 end  "java exec time per row"
, case when rows_processed > 0 then sharable_mem/rows_processed else 0 end  "shar-able mem per row"
, loaded_versions "loaded vers-ions" 
, version_count "ver-sion count"
, loads
, invalidations "invalid-ations"
, parse_calls "parse calls"
, module 
, command_type_name
, to_char(min_time, 'dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI:SS') min_time
, to_char(max_time ,'dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI:SS') max_time
, min_snap_id "Min Snap Id"
, max_snap_id "Max Snap Id"
, sql_profile
, Baseline_plan_name -- does not work for 10g
select schema  
   , plan_hash_value
   , sql_id
   , rownum ord
   , sub.elapsed_sec
   , CASE 
     WHEN elapsed_sec > 86399
          THEN elapsed_sec || ' sec' 
     WHEN elapsed_sec <= 86399
          THEN to_char(to_date(round(elapsed_sec) ,'SSSSS'), 'HH24:MI:SS') 
     END as clock_time
   , case when executions <> 0
     then CASE 
     WHEN round(elapsed_sec/(executions*decode(px_servers_execs, 0, 1, px_servers_execs))) > 86399
          THEN round(elapsed_sec/(executions)*decode(px_servers_execs, 0, 1, px_servers_execs)) || ' sec' 
     WHEN round(elapsed_sec/(executions*decode(px_servers_execs, 0, 1, px_servers_execs))) <= 86399
          THEN to_char(to_date(round(elapsed_sec/(executions*decode(px_servers_execs, 0, 1, px_servers_execs))) ,'SSSSS'), 'HH24:MI:SS') 
     end as time_per_exec
   , cpu_sec
   , plsql_sec
   , executions
   , buffer_gets
   , sharable_mem
   , loaded_versions
   , version_count
   , module 
   , fetches
   , end_of_fetch_count
   , sorts
   , px_servers_execs
   , loads
   , invalidations
   , parse_calls
   , disk_reads
   , rows_processed
   , iowait
   , clwait
   , apwait
   , ccwait
   , tot_wait
   , direct_writes
   , plsexec_time
   , javexec_time
   , (select max(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(sql_text, 3800)) from dba_hist_sqltext st where st.sql_id = sub.sql_id) sql_text
   , (select max(name) from dba_hist_sqltext st, audit_actions aa where st.sql_id = sub.sql_id and aa.action = st.command_type)   command_type_name
   , min_time
   , max_time
   , min_snap_id
   , max_snap_id
   , sql_profile
   , (select nvl(min(sql_plan_baseline), 'none') from v$sql sql where sql.sql_id  = sub.sql_id and sql.plan_hash_value = sub.plan_hash_value) Baseline_plan_name -- does not work for 10g
   ( -- sub to sort before rownum
        , plan_hash_value
        , round(sum(elapsed_time_delta)/1000000) as elapsed_sec
        , round(sum(cpu_time_delta)    /1000000) as cpu_sec 
        , round(sum(plsexec_time_delta)/1000000) as plsql_sec 
        , sum(executions_delta) as executions
        , sum(buffer_gets_delta) as buffer_gets      
        , sum(sharable_mem) as sharable_mem
        , sum(loaded_versions) as loaded_versions
        , sum(version_count) as version_count
        , max(module) as module 
        , sum(fetches_delta) as fetches
        , sum(end_of_fetch_count_delta) as end_of_fetch_count
        , sum(sorts_delta) as sorts
        , sum(px_servers_execs_delta) as px_servers_execs
        , sum(loads_delta) as loads
        , sum(invalidations_delta) as invalidations
        , sum(parse_calls_delta) as parse_calls
        , sum(disk_reads_delta) as disk_reads
        , sum(rows_processed_delta) as rows_processed
        , sum(iowait_delta) as iowait
        , sum(clwait_delta) as clwait
        , sum(apwait_delta) as apwait
        , sum(ccwait_delta) as ccwait
        , sum(iowait_delta) + sum(clwait_delta) + sum(apwait_delta) + sum(ccwait_delta) as tot_wait
        , sum(direct_writes_delta) as direct_writes
        , sum(plsexec_time_delta) as plsexec_time
        , sum(javexec_time_delta) as javexec_time
        , max(parsing_schema_name) as schema
        , max(snap.end_INTERVAL_TIME) max_time
        , min(snap.end_INTERVAL_TIME) min_time
        , min(stat.snap_id) min_snap_id
        , max(stat.snap_id) max_snap_id
        , min(nvl(sql_profile, 'none')) sql_profile     
        dba_hist_snapshot snap
        , dba_hist_sqlstat stat
     where 1=1
          and nvl(:order_by, 'GET') like '%' 
          and snap.dbid = stat.dbid
          and snap.instance_number = stat.instance_number
          and snap.snap_id = stat.snap_id
        --  and snap.snap_id between nvl(:start_snap_id, snap.snap_id) and nvl(:end_snap_id, snap.snap_id)
        --  and nvl(parsing_schema_name,'%') like nvl(upper(:username), nvl(parsing_schema_name,'%')  )
        --  and sql_id = nvl(:sql_id, sql_id)
        --  and nvl(plan_hash_value,0) = nvl(:plan_hash_value, nvl(plan_hash_value,0))
        --   and nvl(module,'x') like nvl(:module, nvl(module,'x'))
        --  and stat.instance_number = nvl(:inst_id, stat.instance_number)
        --  and decode(:days_back_only_Y_N,'Y', end_INTERVAL_TIME, trunc(sysdate-:days_back) ) >= trunc(sysdate-:days_back)
        --  and (trunc(begin_INTERVAL_TIME, 'MI') >=  to_date(nvl(:sam_tm_str_MM_DD_YYYY_HH24_MI, to_char(begin_interval_time, 'MM_DD_YYYY_HH24_MI')),'MM_DD_YYYY_HH24_MI') 
        --  and trunc(end_interval_time, 'MI') <= to_date(nvl(:sam_tm_end_MM_DD_YYYY_HH24_MI, to_char(end_interval_time, 'MM_DD_YYYY_HH24_MI')),'MM_DD_YYYY_HH24_MI'))
        --  and (to_number(to_char(begin_INTERVAL_TIME, 'HH24')) between nvl(:begin_hour, 0) and  nvl(:end_hour, 24) 
        --  or to_number(to_char(begin_INTERVAL_TIME, 'HH24')) between nvl(:begin_hour2, nvl(:begin_hour, 0)) and  nvl(:end_hour2, nvl(:end_hour, 24)))
group by sql_id, plan_hash_value --, force_matching_signature  -- , stat.instance_number
order by 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('ELAP' , '1') then elapsed_sec 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('CPU'  , '2') then cpu_sec 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('IO'   , '3') then iowait 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('GET'  , '4') then buffer_gets 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('READ' , '5') then disk_reads 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('EXEC' , '6') then executions 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('PARSE', '7') then parse_calls 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('MEM'  , '8') then sharable_mem 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('VERS' , '9') then version_count 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('ELAP_EXEC' , '10') then 
	   case when executions <> 0 
	   then elapsed_sec/(executions*decode(px_servers_execs, 0, 1, px_servers_execs)) 
	   else elapsed_sec end 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('SNAP' , '11') then min_snap_id 
       else buffer_gets
  end desc
   ) sub
where 1=1
  and rownum <= 10
) main_query
where 1=1
 -- and nvl(upper(sql_text), '%') like nvl(upper(:sql_text), '%')
 -- and nvl(command_type_name, 'x') like nvl(:command_type_name, nvl(command_type_name, 'x'))
order by 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('ELAP' , '1') then elapsed_sec 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('CPU'  , '2') then cpu_sec 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('IO'   , '3') then iowait 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('GET'  , '4') then buffer_gets  -- essentially an overall workload ordering
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('READ' , '5') then disk_reads 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('EXEC' , '6') then executions 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('PARSE', '7') then parse_calls 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('MEM'  , '8') then sharable_mem 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('VERS' , '9') then version_count 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('ELAP_EXEC' , '10') then case when executions <> 0 then elapsed_sec/(executions*decode(px_servers_execs, 0, 1, px_servers_execs)) else elapsed_sec end 
       when nvl(:order_by, 'GET') in ('SNAP' , '11') then min_snap_id 
       else buffer_gets
  end desc

                 ORD ORDER_BY      SCHEMA               SQL_ID             Plan Hash Value          PLAN_HASH_2 MONITOR_L Time Per E          Exec-utions Clock Time                           px servers execs SQL_TEXT                                                                         Buffer Gets              FETCHES       rows processed       rows per fetch   end of fetch count             SORTS           disk reads           Tot Wait             IOWAIT             CLWAIT               APWAIT               CCWAIT        direct writes       Elap-sed (Sec)  CPU Sec    PL/SQL sec        pls exec time       java exec time        shar-able mem Buffer Gets per exec Fetches Gets per exec        rows per exec       sorts per exec  disk reads per exec Tot Wait per exec      iowait per exec     clwait  per exec      apwait per exec     ccwait  per exec direct writes  per exec Elap-sed (Sec)  per exec     CPU Sec per exec PL/SQL sec  per exec pls exec time  per exec java exec time per exec shar-able mem per exec  Buffer Gets per row Fetches Gets per row      rows per row        sorts per row   disk reads per row     Tot Wait per row            iowait per row      clwait  per row       apwait per row      ccwait  per row direct writes  per row Elap-sed (Sec)  per row      CPU Sec per row  PL/SQL sec  per row pls exec time  per row java exec time per row shar-able mem per row     loaded vers-ions    ver-sion count                LOADS       invalid-ations          parse calls MODULE               COMMAND_TYPE_NAME             MIN_TIME            MAX_TIME                     Min Snap Id          Max Snap Id SQL_PROFILE                                                      BASELINE_PLAN_N
-------------------- ------------- -------------------- ------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
                                                                                                                                                                                            (:sig IS NULL AND
                                                                                                                                                                                             ((:existingSQL IS NOT NULL AND :newSQL IS NOT NULL) OR
                                                                                                                                                                                              (:existingSQL IS NOT NULL AND
                                                                                                                                                                                               :newSQL IS NULL AND

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