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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Archivelog info..


Archivelog info..  

set linesize 300 pagesize 300 
col name for a90
col first_time for a16
select thread#,sequence#, name ,creator
-- , to_char(first_time,'DD-MON HH24:MI') first_time
   , to_char(completion_time,'DD-MON HH24:MI') arc_completion,decode (STATUS,'A','Available','D', 'Deleted','U','Unavailable','X' , 'Expired' ) arc_status
from v$archived_log
  where 1=1  
-- and first_time > sysdate -3
-- and CREATOR!='LGWR'
--and SEQUENCE#>11482
-- and THREAD# =2
and name is null 
and first_time < to_date('2021-11-03:11:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss')
order by 5

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