define sequence_name='SEQ' set feed off set pagesize 10000 set wrap off set linesize 200 set heading on set tab on set scan on set verify off set numf 999999999999999999999999 column datum new_value datum noprint column sequence_owner format A20 heading 'Sequence|Owner' column sequence_name noprint new_value sequence column min_value format 99 heading 'Minimal|Value ' column max_value format 99999999999999999999999999999999 heading 'Maximal |Value ' column increment_by format 99 heading 'Incr|By ' column last_number format 999999999999 heading 'Last |Number ' column cache_size format 9999999999999 heading 'Cache|Size ' column order_flag format a7 heading 'Order ?' column cycle_flag format a7 heading 'Cycle ?' ttitle left 'Sequence Info 'sequence skip 2 break on sequence_name skip page - on sequence_owner skip 2 - select to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YY') datum, substr(sequence_owner,1,12) sequence_owner, substr(sequence_name,1,27) sequence_name, min_value, max_value, increment_by, last_number, cache_size, decode(order_flag, 'Y','Yes', 'N','No') order_flag, decode(cycle_flag, 'Y','Yes', 'N','No') cycle_flag from dba_sequences where 1=1 --and sequence_owner LIKE UPPER('user') and sequence_name like upper('&sequence_name') order by 1,2,3,4; define sequence_name='SEQ' set feed off set pagesize 10000 set wrap off set linesize 200 set heading on set tab on set scan on set verify off -- ttitle left 'Shows next sequence number without incrementing it' skip 2 col sequence_owner format a20 heading 'Sequence|Owner' col sequence_name format a25 heading 'Sequence|Name' col next_seq format 9999999999999999999 heading 'Next|Value' col cache format a25 heading 'Cache' select sequence_owner, sequence_name, next_seq, cache from (select sequence_owner, sequence_name, nextvalue next_seq, 'in cache' cache from v$_sequences where nextvalue is not null union select sequence_owner, sequence_name, highwater next_seq, 'created nocache' cache from v$_sequences where nextvalue is null union select sequence_owner, sequence_name, last_number next_seq, 'not in cache' cache from dba_sequences s where not exists (select sequence_owner, sequence_name from v$_sequences v where v.sequence_name = s.sequence_name and v.sequence_owner = s.sequence_owner)) where 1=1 --and sequence_owner like upper('sequence_owner') and sequence_name like upper('&sequence_name') order by sequence_owner, sequence_name /
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Friday, 20 January 2023
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