Clustering Factor is a value that tells Oracle how the rows in a table are randomly distributed with respect to index key values. good Clustering Factor value would be dba_indexes.CLUSTERING_FACTOR=dba_tables.blocks if difference is very high than cost of using index will be high how to improve Clustering Factor ? set linesize 200 select a.index_name,b.table_name,b.num_rows,b.blocks,a.clustering_factor from dba_indexes a, dba_tables b where 1=1 and a.table_name = b.table_name and b.owner='ANUJ' and b.table_name='USER_SITES' INDEX_NAME TABLE_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS CLUSTERING_FACTOR ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- USER_SITES_USPK1 USER_SITES 1038392 6544 570792 in this case Clustering Factor is very bad . get index info from following query set long 50000 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX','USER_SITES_USPK1','ANUJ') from dual ; SELECT constraint_name,table_name,r_constraint_name,status FROM dba_constraints WHERE constraint_type='P' and table_name='USER_SITES' / CONSTRAINT_NAME TABLE_NAME R_CONSTRAINT_NAME STATUS ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- USER_SITES_USPK1 USER_SITES ENABLED SQL> create table anuj.user_sites_new as select * from anuj.user_sites order by USER_OBJECT_ID,SITE_NO ; Table created. SQL> select count(*) from anuj.user_sites; COUNT(*) ---------- 1043588 SQL> select count(*) from anuj.user_sites_NEW; COUNT(*) ---------- 1043588 SQL> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "ANUJ"."USER_SITES_USPK_NEW" ON "ANUJ"."USER_SITES_NEW" ("USER_OBJECT_ID", "SITE_NO") TABLESPACE "ANUJ"; Index created. SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'ANUJ',- tabname=>'USER_SITES_NEW',- estimate_percent => 100,- cascade=>true,- degree => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_DEGREE,- method_opt=>'for all columns size skewonly'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select a.index_name, b.num_rows, b.blocks, a.clustering_factor from dba_indexes a, dba_tables b where 1=1 -- and index_name in ('USER_SITES_USPK1') and a.table_name = b.table_name and b.table_name in ('USER_SITES','USER_SITES_NEW') / INDEX_NAME NUM_ROWS BLOCKS CLUSTERING_FACTOR ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- USER_SITES_USPK1 1038392 6544 570792 <<<<<--- USER_SITES_USPK_NEW 1043588 6596 6586 <<<<<--new Clustering Factor
====== define 2='ANUJ' set term off feed off verify off select upper('&2') v_tablename from dual; set term on feed on col v_tablename new_value v_tablename noprint col v_owner new_value v_owner noprint col clustering_factorx for a12 col table_rowsx for a12 col index_rowsx for a12 col leaf_blocksx for a12 col clustering_factorx for a12 col TABLE_BLOCKSX for a12 col Index_PART for a12 col table_PART for a12 select t.table_name , t.PARTITIONED table_PART , dbms_xplan.format_size(t.num_rows) table_rowsx , dbms_xplan.format_size(t.blocks) table_blocksx , i.index_name , dbms_xplan.format_size(t.num_rows) index_rowsx , dbms_xplan.format_size(i.leaf_blocks) leaf_blocksx , dbms_xplan.format_size(clustering_factor) clustering_factorx ,i.LAST_ANALYZED indx_LAST_ANALYZED ,i.PARTITIONED Index_PART from all_tables t join all_indexes i on i.table_owner = t.owner and i.table_name = t.table_name where 1=1 -- t.owner = 'v_owner' and t.table_name = '&v_tablename' / ===================
now drop the old table. rename new table to old table name to modify clustering factor >12c
TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS statistics preference allows us to modify how the CF is calculated by not incrementing the CF value if an index rowid points to a block that was visited just TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS set linesize 100 pagesize 300 define tabname='EMP' define owner='ANUJ' select rpad('TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS : ',50)||dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname=>'TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS', tabname=>'&&TABLE',ownname => '&&owner') prefs_for__&&TABLE FROM dual PREFS_FOR__EMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS : 1 to set value !!! set linesize 100 pagesize 300 define tabname='EMP' define owner='ANUJ' exec dbms_stats.set_table_prefs(ownname=>'&&owner', tabname=>'&&TABLE', pname=>'TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS', pvalue=>10); define tabname='EMP' define owner='ANUJ' select rpad('TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS : ',50)||dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname=>'TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS', tabname=>'&&TABLE',ownname => '&&owner') prefs_for__&&TABLE FROM dual SQL> / old 1: select rpad('TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS : ',50)||dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname=>'TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS', tabname=>'&&TABLE',ownname => '&&owner') prefs_for__&&TABLE FROM dual new 1: select rpad('TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS : ',50)||dbms_stats.get_prefs(pname=>'TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS', tabname=>'EMP',ownname => 'ANUJ') prefs_for__EMP FROM dual PREFS_FOR__EMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE_CACHED_BLOCKS : 10 EXEC dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>&&owner, tabname=>'&&TABLE', estimate_percent=> null, cascade=> true, method_opt=>'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1'); gather stats ... define tabname='EMP' define owner='ANUJ' set pages 100 lines 250 --set echo off feedback off heading on col gather for a200 spool gather.sql select 'SET ECHO ON FEEDBACK ON TIMING ON' FROM DUAL; select 'exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (ownname => ''' || owner ||''', tabname => '''||table_name||''' , estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE , cascade => TRUE,method_opt => '''||' FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO'''||' , degree => 8);' gather from dba_tables where table_name in ('&&tabname') and OWNER='&&owner' ; exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (ownname => 'ANUJ', tabname => 'EMP' , estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE , cascade => TRUE,method_opt => ' FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', degree => 8);
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