Bug 28821847 DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS Does Not Include Undo Tablespace Info
-- Tablespace space reportfrom 12cset linesize 300 pagesize 300 col tablespace_name for a25 col force_logging for a12 col bigfile for a8 col encrypted for a10 col allocation_type for a15 col PDB_NAME for a15 col "TABLESPACE_SIZE(GB)" for a20 col free for a12 col "USED_SPACE" for a12 col "TABLESPACE_SIZE" for a18 select a.tablespace_name,a.CON_ID,nvl(PDB_NAME,'CDB$ROOT' ) PDB_NAME, round(a.used_percent, 2) as "USED _%",b.block_size,b.force_logging, bigfile,encrypted,allocation_type,b.status,contents,retention,extent_management, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(a.tablespace_size * b.block_size) as "TABLESPACE_SIZE", dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE((a.used_space * b.block_size)) as "USED_SPACE", dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE((a.tablespace_size * b.block_size) - (a.used_space * b.block_size) ) Free, round(a.used_percent, 2) as "USED_%" from cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics a , cdb_tablespaces b ,dba_pdbs c where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name -- and a.tablespace_name like '%' -- and CONTENTS='TEMPORARY' -- and CONTENTS='PERMANENT' and CONTENTS!='UNDO' and a.con_id=b.con_id and a.con_id=c.con_id(+) union all
-- for Undo <<<<< SELECT a.tablespace_name,a.con_id,nvl(PDB_NAME,'CDB$ROOT') PDB_NAME,round ((Used*100)/Total,2) "%Used_%",block_size,force_logging, bigfile,encrypted,allocation_type,status,contents,retention,extent_management,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(Total) total ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(Used) Used,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE((Total - Used)) Free,round ((Used*100)/Total,2) "%Used_%" FROM ( SELECT b.con_id,SUM (maxbytes) Total, b.tablespace_name,b.block_size,b.force_logging, bigfile,encrypted,allocation_type,b.status,contents,retention,extent_management,PDB_NAME FROM cdb_data_files a, cdb_tablespaces b,dba_pdbs c WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and c.con_id=a.con_id AND b.contents like '%UNDO%' GROUP BY b.con_id,b.tablespace_name,b.block_size,b.force_logging, bigfile,encrypted,allocation_type,b.status,contents,retention,extent_management,PDB_NAME) a, ( SELECT con_id,c.tablespace_name, SUM (bytes) Used FROM cdb_UNDO_EXTENTS c WHERE status <> 'EXPIRED' GROUP BY con_id,c.tablespace_name) b WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and a.con_id=b.con_id order by "USED_%" desc ; ************************************************************************ set linesize 300 pagesize 300 col tablespace_name for a25 col force_logging for a12 col bigfile for a8 col encrypted for a10 col allocation_type for a15 col PDB_NAME for a15 col "TABLESPACE_SIZE(GB)" for a20 select a.tablespace_name,a.CON_ID,nvl(PDB_NAME,'CDB$ROOT' ) PDB_NAME, round(a.used_percent, 2) as "USED _%",b.block_size,b.force_logging, bigfile,encrypted,allocation_type,b.status,contents,retention,extent_management, to_char(round((a.tablespace_size * b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024, 2)) as "TABLESPACE_SIZE(GB)", round((a.used_space * b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024, 2) as "USED_SPACE(GB)", round((a.tablespace_size * b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024, 2) - round((a.used_space * b.block_size)/1024/1024/1024, 2) Free_GB, round(a.used_percent, 2) as "USED_%" from cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics a , cdb_tablespaces b ,dba_pdbs c where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name -- and a.tablespace_name like '%' -- and CONTENTS='TEMPORARY' -- and CONTENTS='UNDO' -- and CONTENTS='PERMANENT' and a.con_id=b.con_id and a.con_id=c.con_id(+) order by "USED_%" desc ;
set head on pagesize 300 linesize 200 numf 999999.99 col tablespace_name for a28 col status for a20 col pdb_name for a15 col CON_ID for 9999 col TABLESPACE_SIZE for a10 col USED_SPACE for a10 col TABLESPACE_FREE_SIZE for a10 col TotalSpace for a10 col currentspace for a10 VARIABLE value1 NUMBER exec SELECT to_number(value) into :value1 FROM v$parameter WHERE name = lower('DB_BLOCK_SIZE') ; / col NUM_FILES for 999 col NUM_FILES1 for 9999 col "USED_PERCENT%" for 99 col num_files_left for 9999 col "Tb_status" for a10 col "Datafilecountstatus" for a20 select tf.con_id,tf.PDB_NAME,tf.status,tf.tablespace_name ,num_files --,num_files1 num_files_left , (case when ( num_files1 <= 300 and num_files1 >= 250) then 'Bad <300 ***' when ( num_files1<= 250 and num_files1>= 201) then 'warning <250 ***' when ( num_files1<= 200) then 'critical <200 ***' else 'Good' end ) as "Datafilecountstatus" , tf.TABLESPACE_SIZE,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(TotalSpace) TotalSpace ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(currentspace) currentspace,tf.USED_SPACE,tf.TABLESPACE_FREE_SIZE,tf."USED_PERCENT%",tf."status1" Tb_status from (select tb.con_id con_id, nvl(pdb_name,'CDB$ROOT') PDB_NAME, nvl(pdb.status,'CDB$ROOT') status, tablespace_name tablespace_name , dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(tb.TABLESPACE_SIZE * :value1 ) TABLESPACE_SIZE, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(tb.USED_SPACE * :value1 ) USED_SPACE, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE((tb.TABLESPACE_SIZE - tb.USED_SPACE) * :value1 ) TABLESPACE_FREE_SIZE, trunc(used_percent) "USED_PERCENT%", case when ((used_percent) > 95.00) then '---(>95.00)% full ##' else 'good' end as "status1" from cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics tb,cdb_pdbs pdb where 1=1 and tb.con_id= pdb.con_id(+) -- and pdb.con_id=3 )tf, (select tablespace_name,count(distinct(file_id)) num_files,(1022 - count(distinct(file_id))) num_files1, round(sum(decode(AUTOEXTENSIBLE,'YES',GREATEST(MAXBYTES,bytes),'NO',bytes))) TotalSpace, round(sum(bytes)) currentspace, round(sum(decode(AUTOEXTENSIBLE,'YES',greatest(maxbytes,bytes)-bytes,'NO',0))) reservespace from cdb_data_files group by tablespace_name ) df where 1=1 and df.tablespace_name=tf.tablespace_name ;
*****undo tablespace onlyset pagesize 10000 linesize 300 tab off col tablespace_name format A28 heading "Tablespace" col ts_type format A13 heading "TS Type" col segments format 999999 heading "Segments" col files format 9999 col allocated format a14 heading "Allocated Size" col used format a14 heading "Used Space" col Free format a14 heading "Free Space" col used_pct format 999 heading "Used|%" col max_ext_mb format a14 heading "Max Size" col max_free_mb format a14 heading "Max Free" col max_used_pct format 999 heading "Max Used|(%)" col max_size for a15 BREAK ON REPORT COMPUTE SUM LABEL "TOTAL SUM ==========>" AVG LABEL "AVERAGE ==========>" OF segments files allocated_mb used_mb Free_MB max_ext_mb ON REPORT WITH df AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tf AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM dba_temp_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tm AS (SELECT tablespace_name, used_percent FROM dba_tablespace_usage_metrics), ts AS (SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT(*) segcnt FROM dba_segments GROUP BY tablespace_name) -- UNDO TS SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(a.bytes ) Allocated, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(u.bytes) Used, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(u.bytes, 0), 0)) Free, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(a.maxbytes ) max_size, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_undo_extents where status in ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') GROUP BY tablespace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND d.contents = 'UNDO' ORDER BY 11 desc /set linesize 300 pagesize 300 col tablespace_name for a25 col force_logging for a12 col bigfile for a8 col encrypted for a10 col allocation_type for a15 col PDB_NAME for a15 col TABLESPACE_SIZE for a15 col USED_SPACE for a12 col FREE for a8 col "USED_%" for 999.99 select a.tablespace_name,a.CON_ID,nvl(PDB_NAME,'CDB$ROOT' ) PDB_NAME, round(a.used_percent, 2) as "USED _%",b.block_size,b.force_logging, bigfile,encrypted,allocation_type,b.status,contents,retention,extent_management, dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(a.tablespace_size * b.block_size) "TABLESPACE_SIZE", dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(a.used_space * b.block_size ) "USED_SPACE", dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE((a.tablespace_size * b.block_size) - (a.used_space * b.block_size)) Free,
a.used_percent as "USED_%" from cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics a , cdb_tablespaces b ,dba_pdbs c where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name -- and a.tablespace_name like '%' --and CONTENTS='TEMPORARY' --and b.CONTENTS like '%UNDO%' -- ?? --and CONTENTS='PERMANENT' and a.con_id=b.con_id(+) and a.con_id=c.con_id order by "USED_%" desc ;
--- with cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics and dbms_xplan.format_size
set pagesize 10000 linesize 300 tab off col tablespace_name format A27 heading "Tablespace" col ts_type format A13 heading "TS Type" col segments format 999999 heading "Segments" col files format 9999 col used_pct format 999 heading "Used|%" col max_used_pct format 999 heading "Max Used|(%)*" col Max_Free for A10 heading "Max_Free" col ALLOCATED for a12 col USED for a10 col FREE for a10 col MAX_EXT for a10 BREAK ON REPORT --COMPUTE SUM LABEL "TOTAL SUM ==========>" AVG LABEL "AVERAGE ==========>" OF segments files allocated used Free max_ext Max_Free ON REPORT select distinct tablespace_name,con_id,ts_type,status,files,segments,dbms_xplan.format_size(Allocated) Allocated,dbms_xplan.format_size(Used) Used,dbms_xplan.format_size(Free) Free,Used_pct --, dbms_xplan.format_size(max_ext) max_ext ,dbms_xplan.format_size(Max_Free) Max_Free, Max_used_pct from ( WITH df AS (SELECT con_id,tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM cdb_data_files GROUP BY con_id,tablespace_name), tf AS (SELECT con_id,tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM cdb_temp_files GROUP BY con_id,tablespace_name), tm AS (SELECT con_id,tablespace_name, used_percent FROM cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics), ts AS (SELECT con_id,tablespace_name, COUNT(*) segcnt FROM cdb_segments GROUP BY con_id,tablespace_name) SELECT distinct d.tablespace_name, d.con_id, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt files, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, (a.bytes) Allocated, (a.bytes - f.bytes) Used, (f.bytes) Free , ROUND(NVL((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, (a.maxbytes) max_ext, (a.maxbytes - (a.bytes - f.bytes) ) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM cdb_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT con_id,tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM cdb_free_space GROUP BY con_id,tablespace_name) f WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name and d.con_id = a.con_id AND d.con_id = s.con_id AND d.con_id = m.con_id AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name AND d.con_id = f.con_id AND NOT d.contents = 'UNDO' AND NOT ( d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' ) --and d.contents != 'TEMPORARY' -- TEMP TS union SELECT distinct d.tablespace_name, d.con_id, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, 0, (a.bytes) Allocated, (t.ub*d.block_size) Used , (a.bytes - (t.ub*d.block_size)) Free, ROUND(NVL((t.ub*d.block_size) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, (a.maxbytes ) max_size, (a.maxbytes - (t.ub*d.block_size)) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM cdb_tablespaces d, tf a, tm m, (SELECT con_id,ss.tablespace_name , sum(ss.used_blocks) ub FROM gv$sort_segment ss GROUP BY con_id,ss.tablespace_name) t WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name and d.con_id = a.con_id AND d.con_id = m.con_id AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name AND d.con_id = t.con_id AND d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' /* union -- UNDO TS SELECT distinct d.tablespace_name, d.con_id, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, (a.bytes) Allocated, (u.bytes) Used, (a.bytes - u.bytes) Free, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, (a.maxbytes) max_size, (a.maxbytes - u.bytes) Max_Free , ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM cdb_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT con_id,tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM cdb_undo_extents where status in ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') GROUP BY con_id,tablespace_name) u WHERE 1=1 --and d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name and d.con_id = a.con_id AND d.con_id = m.con_id --and d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name and d.con_id = a.con_id AND d.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name AND m.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name --AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name --AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name AND d.contents = 'UNDO' */ ) --ORDER BY 13 desc /
--- with distinct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! set pagesize 10000 linesize 300 tab off col tablespace_name format A27 heading "Tablespace" col ts_type format A13 heading "TS Type" col segments format 999999 heading "Segments" col files format 9999 col used_pct format 999 heading "Used|%" col max_used_pct format 999 heading "Max Used|(%)*" col Max_Free for A10 heading "Max_Free" col ALLOCATED for a12 col USED for a10 col FREE for a10 col MAX_EXT for a10 BREAK ON REPORT --COMPUTE SUM LABEL "TOTAL SUM ==========>" AVG LABEL "AVERAGE ==========>" OF segments files allocated used Free max_ext Max_Free ON REPORT select distinct * from ( WITH df AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM cdb_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tf AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM cdb_temp_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tm AS (SELECT tablespace_name, used_percent FROM cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics), ts AS (SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT(*) segcnt FROM cdb_segments GROUP BY tablespace_name) SELECT distinct d.tablespace_name, d.con_id, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt files, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.bytes) Allocated, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.bytes - f.bytes) Used, dbms_xplan.format_size(f.bytes) Free , ROUND(NVL((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.maxbytes) max_ext, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.maxbytes - (a.bytes - f.bytes) ) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM cdb_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM cdb_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) f WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND NOT d.contents = 'UNDO' AND NOT ( d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' ) UNION ALL -- TEMP TS SELECT distinct d.tablespace_name, d.con_id, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, 0, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.bytes) Allocated, dbms_xplan.format_size(t.ub*d.block_size) Used , dbms_xplan.format_size(a.bytes - (t.ub*d.block_size)) Free, ROUND(NVL((t.ub*d.block_size) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.maxbytes ) max_size, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.maxbytes - (t.ub*d.block_size)) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM cdb_tablespaces d, tf a, tm m, (SELECT ss.tablespace_name , sum(ss.used_blocks) ub FROM gv$sort_segment ss GROUP BY ss.tablespace_name) t WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' UNION ALL -- UNDO TS SELECT distinct d.tablespace_name, d.con_id, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.bytes) Allocated, dbms_xplan.format_size(u.bytes) Used, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.bytes - u.bytes) Free, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.maxbytes) max_size, dbms_xplan.format_size(a.maxbytes - u.bytes) Max_Free , ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM cdb_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM cdb_undo_extents where status in ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') GROUP BY tablespace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND d.contents = 'UNDO' --ORDER BY 12 desc ) ORDER BY 13 desc /
datafile info
set linesize 300 pagesize 100
set heading on
col fname heading "Filename" format a85
col fnum heading "#" format 999
col ts heading "Tablespace|Name" format a15
col tb heading "Total|Potential|File Size" format a10
col cb heading "Total|Current|File Size" like tb
col used heading "Used" like tb
col free heading "Potential|Free" like tb
col autoext heading "Auto|Ext." format a4
col percentfree heading "% Free|of|Total|Bytes" format 999
break on report
compute sum of tb cb used free on report
-- spool TablespaceUsage.txt
select substr(tablespace_name,1,15) ts
,d.file_id fnum
,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) ) tb
,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(d.bytes) cb
,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))) used
,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) -decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))) free
,trunc(((decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) -decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0)))/ decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize))),2) * 100 percentfree
,decode(e.file#,null,'No','Yes') autoext
,''''||substr(file_name,1,80)||'''' fname
from sys.dba_data_files d
,(select file_id,sum(bytes) freebytes
from sys.dba_free_space
group by file_id) f
,sys.filext$ e
,v$datafile v
,(select value blksize from v$parameter
where name = 'db_block_size') b
where d.file_id=f.file_id(+)
and d.file_id=e.file#(+)
and v.file#=d.file_id
and d.tablespace_name='Ts_TS'
order by tablespace_name,creation_time
alter session set container=XXXXXXX; -- alter session set "_push_join_predicate" = FALSE ; define t_name='TS_TS' set linesize 300 pagesize 40 time on timing on set heading on col fname heading "Filename" format a90 col fnum heading "#" format 999 col ts heading "Tablespace|Name" format a15 col tb heading "Total|Potential|File Size" format 999,999,999,999,999,999 col cb heading "Total|Current|File Size" like tb col used heading "Bytes Used" like tb col free heading "Potential|Bytes Free" like tb col autoext heading "Auto|Ext." format a4 col percentfree heading "% Free|of|Pot.|Total|Bytes" format 999 col tb1 heading "Total|File Size" format a10 col cb1 like tb1 col free1 like tb1 col used1 like tb1 break on report compute sum of tb cb used free on report -- spool TablespaceUsage.txt --select /*+ PARALLEL(50) */ substr(tablespace_name,1,15) ts select substr(tablespace_name,1,15) ts ,d.file_id fnum ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) ) tb1 ,decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) tb ,d.bytes cb ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(d.bytes) cb1 ,decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0)) used ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))) used1 ,decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize))-decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0)) free ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) -decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))) free1 ,trunc(((decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) -decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0)))/decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize))),2) * 100 percentfree ,decode(e.file#,null,'No','Yes') autoext ,''''||substr(file_name,1,85)||'''' fname from sys.dba_data_files d ,(select file_id,sum(bytes) freebytes from sys.dba_free_space group by file_id) f ,sys.filext$ e ,v$datafile v ,(select value blksize from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size') b where d.file_id=f.file_id(+) and d.file_id=e.file#(+) and v.file#=d.file_id and d.tablespace_name='&t_name' order by tablespace_name,creation_time /
size in gb
define t_name='xxx' set linesize 300 pagesize 40 time on timing on set heading on col fname heading "Filename" format a90 col fnum heading "FNo#" format 9999 col ts heading "Tablespace|Name" format a15 col tb heading "Total|Potential|File GbSize" format 99999 col cb heading "Total|Current|File GbSize" like tb col used heading "Gb Used" like tb col free heading "Potential|GB Free" like tb col autoext heading "Auto|Ext." format a4 col percentfree heading "% Free|of|Total" format 999 col tb1 heading "Total|File Size" format a10 col cb1 like tb1 col free1 like tb1 col used1 like tb1 break on report compute sum of tb cb used free on report -- spool TablespaceUsage.txt --select /*+ PARALLEL(50) */ substr(tablespace_name,1,15) ts select substr(tablespace_name,1,15) ts ,d.file_id fnum ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) ) tb1 ,(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)))/1024/1024/1024 tb ,(d.bytes/1024/1024/1024) cb ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(d.bytes) cb1 ,decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))/1024/1024/1024 used ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))) used1 ,(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize))-decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0)))/1024/1024/1024 free ,dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) -decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0))) free1 ,trunc(((decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize)) -decode(d.bytes,0,0,d.bytes-nvl(freebytes,0)))/decode(e.file#,null,d.bytes,(e.maxextend * blksize))),2) * 100 percentfree ,decode(e.file#,null,'No','Yes') autoext ,''''||substr(file_name,1,85)||'''' fname from sys.dba_data_files d ,(select file_id,sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 freebytes from sys.dba_free_space group by file_id) f ,sys.filext$ e ,v$datafile v ,(select value blksize from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size') b where d.file_id=f.file_id(+) and d.file_id=e.file#(+) and v.file#=d.file_id and d.tablespace_name='&t_name' order by tablespace_name,creation_time /
DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS Returns Incorrect Information After applying (25397136) Bundle patch (Doc ID 2289448.1)
set pagesize 10000 linesize 300 tab off col tablespace_name format A22 heading "Tablespace" col ts_type format A13 heading "TS Type" col segments format 999999 heading "Segments" col files format 9999 col allocated_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Allocated Size|(Mb)" col used_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Used Space|(Mb)" col Free_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Free Space|(Mb)" col used_pct format 999 heading "Used|%" col max_ext_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Max Size|(Mb)" col max_free_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Max Free|(Mb)" col max_used_pct format 999 heading "Max Used|(%)*" col max_used_pct1 format 999 heading "Max Used1|(%)****" col Max_Free for 999,999,990.00 heading "Max_Free|(MB)" BREAK ON REPORT COMPUTE SUM LABEL "TOTAL SUM ==========>" AVG LABEL "AVERAGE ==========>" OF segments files allocated_mb used_mb Free_MB max_ext_mb Max_Free ON REPORT select tablespace_name, status, ts_type, files, segments, Allocated_MB, Used_MB, Free_MB, Used_pct, max_ext_mb, Max_Free, Max_used_pct, --- <<<<<<<<<from dba_tablespace_usage_metrics Sometime this may be wrong due to bug (Used_MB/max_ext_mb)*100 Max_used_pct1 from ( WITH df AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tf AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM dba_temp_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tm AS (SELECT tablespace_name, used_percent FROM dba_tablespace_usage_metrics), ts AS (SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT(*) segcnt FROM dba_segments GROUP BY tablespace_name) SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt files, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), 3) Allocated_MB, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0), 0)/1024/1024,3) Used_MB, ROUND(NVL(f.bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 3) Free_MB, ROUND(NVL((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) max_ext_mb, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) - ROUND(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0), 0)/1024/1024,3) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) f WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND NOT d.contents = 'UNDO' AND NOT ( d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' ) UNION ALL -- TEMP TS SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, 0, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), 3) Allocated_MB, ROUND(NVL(t.ub*d.block_size, 0)/1024/1024, 3) Used_MB, ROUND((NVL(a.bytes ,0)/1024/1024 - NVL((t.ub*d.block_size), 0)/1024/1024), 3) Free_MB, ROUND(NVL((t.ub*d.block_size) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) max_size_mb, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) - ROUND(NVL(t.ub*d.block_size, 0)/1024/1024, 3) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, tf a, tm m, (SELECT ss.tablespace_name , sum(ss.used_blocks) ub FROM gv$sort_segment ss GROUP BY ss.tablespace_name) t WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' UNION ALL -- UNDO TS SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), 3) Allocated_MB, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 3) Used_MB, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(u.bytes, 0), 0)/1024/1024, 3) Free_MB, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) max_size_mb, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) - ROUND(NVL(u.bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 3) Max_Free , ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_undo_extents where status in ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') GROUP BY tablespace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND d.contents = 'UNDO' ORDER BY 12 desc )
Tablespace report prompt - LM/DM - Local/Dictionary Managed |- SYS/UNI - SYStem/UNIform Extent Management (LM only) |ASSM/MSSM - Automatic/Manual Segment Space Management (ASSM -> LM only) set pagesize 10000 linesize 300 tab off col tablespace_name format A22 heading "Tablespace" col ts_type format A13 heading "TS Type" col segments format 999999 heading "Segments" col files format 9999 col allocated_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Allocated Size|(Mb)" col used_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Used Space|(Mb)" col Free_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Free Space|(Mb)" col used_pct format 999 heading "Used|%" col max_ext_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Max Size|(Mb)" col max_free_mb format 999,999,990.00 heading "Max Free|(Mb)" col max_used_pct format 999 heading "Max Used|(%)*" col Max_Free for 999,999,990.00 heading "Max_Free|(MB)" BREAK ON REPORT COMPUTE SUM LABEL "TOTAL SUM ==========>" AVG LABEL "AVERAGE ==========>" OF segments files allocated_mb used_mb Free_MB max_ext_mb Max_Free ON REPORT WITH df AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tf AS (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes, COUNT(*) cnt, DECODE(SUM(DECODE(autoextensible,'NO',0,1)), 0, 'NO', 'YES') autoext, sum(DECODE(maxbytes,0,bytes,maxbytes)) maxbytes FROM dba_temp_files GROUP BY tablespace_name), tm AS (SELECT tablespace_name, used_percent FROM dba_tablespace_usage_metrics), ts AS (SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT(*) segcnt FROM dba_segments GROUP BY tablespace_name) SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt files, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), 3) Allocated_MB, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0), 0)/1024/1024,3) Used_MB, ROUND(NVL(f.bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 3) Free_MB, ROUND(NVL((a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) max_ext_mb, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) - ROUND(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(f.bytes, 0), 0)/1024/1024,3) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) f WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND NOT d.contents = 'UNDO' AND NOT ( d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' ) UNION ALL -- TEMP TS SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, 0, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), 3) Allocated_MB, ROUND(NVL(t.ub*d.block_size, 0)/1024/1024, 3) Used_MB, ROUND((NVL(a.bytes ,0)/1024/1024 - NVL((t.ub*d.block_size), 0)/1024/1024), 3) Free_MB, ROUND(NVL((t.ub*d.block_size) / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) max_size_mb, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) - ROUND(NVL(t.ub*d.block_size, 0)/1024/1024, 3) Max_Free, ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, tf a, tm m, (SELECT ss.tablespace_name , sum(ss.used_blocks) ub FROM gv$sort_segment ss GROUP BY ss.tablespace_name) t WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.extent_management = 'LOCAL' AND d.contents = 'TEMPORARY' UNION ALL -- UNDO TS SELECT d.tablespace_name, d.status, DECODE(d.contents,'PERMANENT',DECODE(d.extent_management,'LOCAL','LM','DM'),'TEMPORARY','TEMP',d.contents)||'-'||DECODE(d.allocation_type,'UNIFORM','UNI','SYS')||'-'||decode(d.segment_space_management,'AUTO','ASSM','MSSM') ts_type, a.cnt, NVL(s.segcnt,0) segments, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0), 3) Allocated_MB, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 3) Used_MB, ROUND(NVL(a.bytes - NVL(u.bytes, 0), 0)/1024/1024, 3) Free_MB, ROUND(NVL(u.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), 2) Used_pct, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) max_size_mb, ROUND(a.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024, 3) - ROUND(NVL(u.bytes, 0) / 1024 / 1024, 3) Max_Free , ROUND(NVL(m.used_percent,0), 2) Max_used_pct FROM dba_tablespaces d, df a, tm m, ts s, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_undo_extents where status in ('ACTIVE','UNEXPIRED') GROUP BY tablespace_name) u WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name(+) AND d.contents = 'UNDO' ORDER BY 12 desc / Allocated Size Used Space Free Space Used Max Size Max_Free Max Used Tablespace STATUS TS Type FILES Segments (Mb) (Mb) (Mb) % (Mb) (MB) (%)* ---------------------- --------- ------------- ----- -------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---- --------------- --------------- -------- UNDOTBS1 ONLINE UNDO-SYS-MSSM 9 307 214,771.94 212,140.88 2,631.06 99 294,911.86 82,770.98 73 R80DBFS_TS ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 1 6 131,072.00 130,018.19 1,053.81 99 307,200.00 177,181.81 42 R80DATA ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 1 44210 12,001,380.00 11,867,990.56 133,389.44 99 33,554,431.98 21,686,441.41 35 OOOETL_DATA ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 1 58 2,068,580.00 2,038,569.44 30,010.56 99 33,554,431.98 31,515,862.54 6 SYSAUX ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 1 5053 2,470.00 1,745.63 724.38 71 32,767.98 31,022.36 5 R80DATA3 ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 70 5136 1,570,025.78 95,078.53 1,474,947.25 6 2,293,758.91 2,198,680.38 4 SYSTEM ONLINE LM-SYS-MSSM 1 1688 32,750.00 885.25 31,864.75 3 32,767.98 31,882.73 3 R80INDEX ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 1 15655 338,020.00 332,294.94 5,725.06 98 33,554,431.98 33,222,137.04 1 R80ARC ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 4 333 2,524.00 325.13 2,198.88 13 131,071.94 130,746.81 0 USERS ONLINE LM-SYS-ASSM 1 59 81.25 4.69 76.56 6 32,767.98 32,763.30 0 TEMP_BIGFILE ONLINE TEMP-UNI-MSSM 1 0 7,605,500.00 209.00 7,605,291.00 0 33,554,431.98 33,554,222.98 0 TEMP ONLINE TEMP-UNI-MSSM 1 0 32,767.00 0.00 32,767.00 0 32,767.00 32,767.00 0 ----- -------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- AVERAGE ==========> 8 6042 1,999,995.16 1,223,271.85 776,723.31 11,447,978.46 10,224,706.61 TOTAL SUM ==========> 92 72505 23,999,941.97 14,679,262.22 9,320,679.75 137,375,741.56 122,696,479.34 12 rows selected. ========================= set pause off set feed off set verify off set pagesize 55 set linesize 255 clear screen col tn format a10 heading 'Name' trunc col fn format a50 heading 'Located in file_ID + File Name' col bts format a15 heading 'Size' -- col bts format 999999999999 heading 'Size' col used format a10 heading 'Used' col ex format 9999 heading 'NrExt' col rs format 999,999,999 heading 'RBSsize' col init format 999,999 heading 'Init' col next format 999,999 heading 'Next' col mi format 999 heading 'Min' col ma format 9999999999 heading 'Max' col pct format 990 heading '%Inc' col st format a4 heading 'Stat' col sn format a15 heading 'Segm Name' col ts format a15 heading 'In Table Space' create or replace view free_view as select file_id, sum(bytes) free_bytes from sys.dba_free_space group by file_id; clear screen prompt Tablespace Datafiles select d.tablespace_name tn, f.file_id||' '||file_name fn, to_char(f.bytes/1024,'999999,999')||'K' bts, to_char( (f.bytes - s.free_bytes)/1024,'999,999')||'K' used from sys.dba_tablespaces d, sys.dba_data_files f, free_view s where d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name and f.file_id = s.file_id(+) order by d.tablespace_name; prompt prompt Tablespace definitions define part1="rpad('|',29*(f.bytes-s.free_bytes)/f.bytes,'*')" col gr format a30 heading 'Percent full' select d.tablespace_name tn, d.initial_extent init, d.next_extent next, d.pct_increase pct, d.min_extents mi, max_extents ma, decode(d.status,'ONLINE','OnL','OFFLINE','OffL') st, rpad(&part1,29,' ')||'|' gr from sys.dba_tablespaces d, sys.dba_data_files f, free_view s where d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name and f.file_id = s.file_id order by d.tablespace_name; drop view free_view; set feed on =================================== Tablespace Datafiles Name Located in file_ID + File Name Size Used ---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------- ANUJTEST 6 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/anujtest.dbf 10,240K 8,192K DROP1 11 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/drop.dbf 2,048K 1,024K EXAMPLE 5 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/example01.dbf 102,400K 80,640K PERFSTAT 12 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/anuj_perfstat.dbf 1024,000K 117,760K RMAN 10 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/rman.dbf 51,200K 7,104K SYSAUX 2 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf 849,920K 743,488K SYSTEM 1 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf 849,920K 832,960K TEST 9 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/test.dbf 20,480K 1,024K TSAPEXF 7 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/tsapexf01.dbf 51,200K 1,024K TSAPEXU 8 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/tsapexu01.dbf 112,640K 99,840K UNDOTBS1 3 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf 332,800K 12,800K USERS 4 /opt/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf 604,160K 542,208K Tablespace definitions Name Init Next %Inc Min Max Stat Percent full ---------- -------- -------- ---- ---- ----------- ---- ------------------------------ ANUJTEST 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |********************** | DROP1 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |************* | EXAMPLE 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |********************* | PERFSTAT 524,288 524,288 0 1 2147483645 OnL |** | RMAN 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |*** | SYSAUX 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |************************ | SYSTEM 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |*************************** | TEST 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL | | TSAPEXF 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL | TSAPEXU 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |************************ | UNDOTBS1 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL | | USERS 65,536 1 2147483645 OnL |************************* |
for PDB
set pagesize 9999 line 9999 col TS_Name format a35 col PDBNAME format a15 col TS_Name format a35 col TYPE format a12 col LOGGING format a10 SELECT CON_ID, PDBNAME, TS#, TS_NAME, TYPE, TS_SIZE_M, FREE_SIZE_M, USED_SIZE_M, USED_PER, MAX_SIZE_G, USED_PER_MAX, BLOCK_SIZE, LOGGING, TS_DF_COUNT FROM (WITH wt1 AS (SELECT ts.CON_ID, (SELECT np.NAME FROM V$CONTAINERS np WHERE np.CON_ID = tS.con_id) PDBNAME, (SELECT A.TS# FROM V$TABLESPACE A WHERE A.NAME = UPPER(tS.TABLESPACE_NAME) AND a.CON_ID = tS.con_id) TS#, ts.TABLESPACE_NAME, df.all_bytes, decode(df.TYPE, 'D', nvl(fs.FREESIZ, 0), 'T', df.all_bytes - nvl(fs.FREESIZ, 0)) FREESIZ, df.MAXSIZ, ts.BLOCK_SIZE, ts.LOGGING, ts.FORCE_LOGGING, ts.CONTENTS, ts.EXTENT_MANAGEMENT, ts.SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT, ts.RETENTION, ts.DEF_TAB_COMPRESSION, df.ts_df_count FROM cdb_tablespaces ts, (SELECT d.CON_ID, 'D' TYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, COUNT(*) ts_df_count, SUM(BYTES) all_bytes, SUM(decode(MAXBYTES, 0, BYTES, MAXBYTES)) MAXSIZ FROM cdb_data_files d GROUP BY d.CON_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME UNION ALL SELECT d.CON_ID, 'T', TABLESPACE_NAME, COUNT(*) ts_df_count, SUM(BYTES) all_bytes, SUM(decode(MAXBYTES, 0, BYTES, MAXBYTES)) FROM cdb_temp_files d GROUP BY d.CON_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME) df, (SELECT d.CON_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, SUM(BYTES) FREESIZ FROM cdb_free_space d GROUP BY d.CON_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME UNION ALL SELECT d.CON_ID, tablespace_name, SUM(d.BLOCK_SIZE * a.BLOCKS) bytes FROM gv$sort_usage a, cdb_tablespaces d WHERE a.tablespace = d.tablespace_name AND a.CON_ID = d.CON_ID GROUP BY d.CON_ID, tablespace_name) fs WHERE ts.TABLESPACE_NAME = df.TABLESPACE_NAME AND ts.CON_ID = df.CON_ID AND ts.TABLESPACE_NAME = fs.TABLESPACE_NAME(+) AND ts.CON_ID = fs.CON_ID(+)) SELECT T.CON_ID, (CASE WHEN T.PDBNAME = LAG(T.PDBNAME, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY T.PDBNAME ORDER BY TS#) THEN NULL ELSE T.PDBNAME END) PDBNAME, TS#, t.TABLESPACE_NAME TS_Name, CONTENTS type, round(t.all_bytes / 1024 / 1024) ts_size_M, round(t.freesiz / 1024 / 1024) Free_Size_M, round((t.all_bytes - t.FREESIZ) / 1024 / 1024) Used_Size_M, round((t.all_bytes - t.FREESIZ) * 100 / t.all_bytes, 3) Used_per, round(MAXSIZ / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3) MAX_Size_g, round(decode(MAXSIZ, 0, to_number(NULL), (t.all_bytes - FREESIZ)) * 100 / MAXSIZ, 3) USED_per_MAX, round(t.BLOCK_SIZE) BLOCK_SIZE, t.LOGGING, t.ts_df_count FROM wt1 t UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT T.CON_ID, '' PDBNAME, to_number('') TS#, 'ALL TS:' TS_Name, ' ' type, round(SUM(t.all_bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 3) ts_size_M, round(SUM(t.freesiz) / 1024 / 1024) Free_Size_m, round(SUM(t.all_bytes - t.FREESIZ) / 1024 / 1024) Used_Size_M, round(SUM(t.all_bytes - t.FREESIZ) * 100 / SUM(t.all_bytes), 3) Used_per, round(SUM(MAXSIZ) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) MAX_Size, to_number('') "USED,% of MAX Size", to_number('') BLOCK_SIZE, '' LOGGING, to_number('') ts_df_count FROM wt1 t GROUP BY rollup(CON_ID,PDBNAME) ) ORDER BY CON_ID,TS# ;
COL pdb_tablespace_name1 FOR A35 HEA 'PDB|TABLESPACE_NAME';
COL pdb_tablespace_name2 FOR A35 HEA 'PDB|TABLESPACE_NAME';
COL used_space_gbs1 FOR 999,990.000 HEA 'USED_SPACE|(GB)';
COL used_space_gbs2 FOR 999,990.000 HEA 'USED_SPACE|(GB)';
COL max_size_gbs1 FOR 999,990.000 HEA 'MAX_SIZE|(GB)';
COL max_size_gbs2 FOR 999,990.000 HEA 'MAX_SIZE|(GB)';
COL used_percent1 FOR 990.000 HEA 'USED|PERCENT';
COL used_percent2 FOR 990.000 HEA 'USED|PERCENT';
COMPUTE SUM LABEL 'TOTAL' OF used_space_gbs1 max_size_gbs1 used_space_gbs2 max_size_gbs2 ON REPORT;
COL output_file_name NEW_V output_file_name NOPRI;
SELECT 'cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics_'||LOWER(name)||'_'||LOWER(REPLACE(SUBSTR(host_name, 1 + INSTR(host_name, '.', 1, 2), 30), '.', '_'))||'_'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd"T"hh24miss') output_file_name FROM v$database, v$instance;
t AS (
SELECT c.name||'('||c.con_id||')' pdb,
ROUND(m.used_percent, 3) used_percent, -- as per maximum size (considering auto extend)
ROUND(m.used_space * t.block_size / POWER(10, 9), 3) used_space_gbs,
ROUND(m.tablespace_size * t.block_size / POWER(10, 9), 3) max_size_gbs,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY c.name, m.tablespace_name) row_number1,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY m.used_percent DESC, m.used_space * t.block_size DESC, m.tablespace_size * t.block_size DESC) row_number2
FROM cdb_tablespace_usage_metrics m,
cdb_tablespaces t,
v$containers c
WHERE t.con_id = m.con_id
AND t.tablespace_name = m.tablespace_name
AND t.status = 'ONLINE'
AND t.contents = 'PERMANENT'
-- AND t.tablespace_name NOT IN ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX')
AND c.con_id = m.con_id
AND c.open_mode = 'READ WRITE'
SELECT t1.pdb||CHR(10)||' '||
t1.tablespace_name pdb_tablespace_name1,
t1.used_percent used_percent1,
t1.used_space_gbs used_space_gbs1,
t1.max_size_gbs max_size_gbs1,
'|'||CHR(10)||'|' "|",
t2.used_percent used_percent2,
t2.used_space_gbs used_space_gbs2,
t2.max_size_gbs max_size_gbs2,
t2.pdb||CHR(10)||' '||
t2.tablespace_name pdb_tablespace_name2
FROM t t1, t t2
WHERE t1.row_number1 = t2.row_number2
if sql is running slow
Query Against Dictionary Views Extracting Tablespace Information is Slow or Appears to Hang (Doc ID 1292253.1)
column owner format a6
column table_name format a10
column last_anal format a10
SELECT owner, table_name, last_analyzed FROM dba_tab_statistics
WHERE table_name='X$KTFBUE';
SELECT owner, table_name, last_analyzed FROM dba_tab_statistics
------ ---------- ---------
set linesize 300
col ALLOC for a10
col FREE for a10
col USED for a10
col MAX for a10
SELECT a.tablespace_name,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE( ROUND (a.bytes_alloc ) ) alloc,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND (NVL (b.bytes_free, 0) , 2)) free,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND ((a.bytes_alloc - NVL (b.bytes_free, 0)) , 2 )) used,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND (maxbytes / 1048576, 2) ) MAX,
ROUND ((NVL (b.bytes_free, 0) / a.bytes_alloc) * 100, 2) pct_free,
100 - ROUND ((NVL (b.bytes_free, 0) / a.bytes_alloc) * 100, 2) pct_used
(SELECT f.tablespace_name,
SUM (f.BYTES) bytes_alloc,
SUM (DECODE (f.autoextensible, 'YES', f.maxbytes, 'NO', f.BYTES ) ) maxbytes
FROM dba_data_files f
GROUP BY tablespace_name
) a,
(SELECT f.tablespace_name,
SUM (f.BYTES) bytes_free
FROM dba_free_space f
GROUP BY tablespace_name
) b
WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name(+)
SELECT h.tablespace_name,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND (SUM (h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) , 2)) alloc,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND ( SUM ((h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - NVL (p.bytes_used, 0)) , 2 )) free,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND (SUM (NVL (p.bytes_used, 0)) , 2)) used,
dbms_xplan.FORMAT_SIZE(ROUND ( ( SUM ( (h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - NVL (p.bytes_used, 0) ) / SUM (h.bytes_used + h.bytes_free) ) * 100, 2 )) pct_free,
100 - ROUND ( ( SUM ( (h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - NVL (p.bytes_used, 0) ) / SUM (h.bytes_used + h.bytes_free) ) * 100, 2 ) pct_used,
ROUND (SUM (f.maxbytes), 2) MAX
FROM SYS.v_$temp_space_header h,
SYS.v_$temp_extent_pool p,
dba_temp_files f
WHERE p.file_id(+) = h.file_id
AND p.tablespace_name(+) = h.tablespace_name
AND f.file_id = h.file_id
AND f.tablespace_name = h.tablespace_name
GROUP BY h.tablespace_name
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SYSAUX 2000M 1621M 378M 2000 81.08 18.92
SYSTEM 3000M 2634M 365M 3000 87.81 12.19
TEMP 200M 197M 3072K 98 1.5 0
UNDOTBS1 300M 57M 242M 300 19.25 80.75
UNDOTBS2 100M 89M 10M 100 89.44 10.56
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